Giving thanks for my awesome family, our health, good friends and a bunch of leftovers? Mmmm.
I'm also very happy to see the Inspire me Thursday(http://www.inspiremethursday.com/) site back up and running 'cause I think it's really cool, and there are a ton of really talented people who participate whose work I would have never seen otherwise, and last but not least, it really does INSPIRE ME!
Hope you all have a nice, filling (they don't call it stuffin' fer nuthin) Thanksgiving!
Hi, thanks for your comment! Nice work you have here; little pop-arty (which I like).
This is the answer I had on your question:
I love the feel of the moleskine, the cover as well as the silky touch of the paper (which is acid-free). I currently use the sketchbook: 100 thick pages. I think the buzz is true but you have to like the size (mine is the 'large' size but using two pages, as in this pic, is slightly smaller than the A4-format. So, I think it is a matter of personal taste perhaps. I can only say: try one!
Till next time, cheerz!
These portraits are superb! Wow, love the style going on here. Hope you and the family have a great one!
These are very cool portraits. How interesting that you combined a b&w figure with such a colorful background. What size are these. I'm picturing LARGE, like 4'x4'.
These are wonderful!
I was wondering: did you get yourself a Moleskine yet? To try it out?
I so hope for you the'll buy you a moleskine!
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