Thursday, November 16, 2006


If any of you are thinking about ordering Chrismas cards, now is the time! I've already got a couple orders in the works and I am a little slow-going this year with the whole, you know, screaming baby thing going on!

The link to the Canstruction slideshow in the post below is NOT the 2006 winners but, just a sample of some past 'canstructions' (see comment on last post). Sorry, me type too hasty! If you take the link and look at the 2003 winners, there is a supa-cool portait of THE KING!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I love this! This is the link to the slide show of the 2006 winners of "Canstruction"... which is a design competition, whose sculptures are made entirely out of canned food that is donated to local food banks! Brilliant!