I've seen some really gorgeous and extremely elaborate ATC's but, for me, one of the biggest appeals to ATC's is that no matter how hectic life becomes, I can always commit to a 2.5x3.5 inch artwork...
There! Done! Whew! (pat myself on the back) I created something this week!
Here is my non-elaborate contribution to "Inspire Me Thursday"!
What a great Attitude...I was so thrown off by the size...by the idea of the medium (that I usually do not do) that it threw me out of whack a bit....LOVE THIS ATTITUDE>>>> A SMALL PIECE OF ART!!!!! And you DID it your way!! LOVE IT!! Thanks for the inspiration!!
It's a pretty good one!
very clever...fun to look at!
You made a tiny piece of art that could stand up to big piece of art any old day. So little but says a lot, made me smile when it uploaded on my screen. thanks kt
Very nice work!
love this idea!!!
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