I've made quite a bit bad art, most of which I knew was bad at the time I made it. Some really bad paintings have made great backgrounds for other, hopefully not so bad paintings. Some are only useful as something to completely paint over when I am too broke to buy new canvas. Some pieces I just did not recognize as terrible until much later (hopefully most of those are in my garage and not on your walls!) and I am sure there are some I don't realize yet as bad. The lovely piece (left) is, I feel, I great example of truely bad art...yup, I'm the artist here. It is bad from beginning to end and I don't remember and have no idea what compelled me to keep on going, or begin in the first place... it's in a pile of 'canvases-to-be-painted-over' and I pulled it out to guesso over for a nice surface for my daughter to do a painting and she protested it's destruction,"because it looks so pretty, about all the colors." And so, it lives.
Luckily, the Museum of Bad Art isn't exhibiting any of my work (yet). I wonder if I should just donate the butterfly? How refreshing to see someone with the guts to call something BAD. How horrifying to know that I have several boxes of contenders!
Check out their gift shop, if you're looking for gift ideas for me, I really like the Pablo Presley T-shirt (medium will be fine.)
Break out the big fuzzy marker art (ha ha).
Break out the big fuzzy marker art (ha ha).
If you don't like it you could choose to add something to it instead of redoing all of it. Like add a few little insects or butterflies, etc. A plant or flower. Something. A background.
It doesn't seem bad to me.
I'm not sure if this is how to comment on the comments but, I am gonna anyway!
I am seriously considering the big fuzzy marker suggestion, I was thinking a metallic marker would be cool too... and the second comment suggested more of an 'altering' instead of completely re-doing... I think I may just do that, and hopefully post the results A.S.A.P!!
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